Case studies
Browse through our library of modeling case studies to see how we've helped our customers and how we've contributed valuable Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) research to the greater scientific community.

FSI: Assessing Potential Flow-Induced Vibration
Design and position a lance such that failure due to flow-induced vibration will not occur.

Reducing Sulfur Emissions in a Fossil-Fuel Plant
Optimizing any gas cooling application, including sulfur dioxide reduction, requires CFD simulation.

Nozzle Layout in a Basic Oxygen Furnace
Our customer experienced severe dust lumping issues in the plant's basic oxygen furnace and enlisted our CFD expertise to reduce maintenance downtime and optimize the overall process.

Understanding Spray Dry Nozzles
We performed this study to better understand the flow and spray characteristics of our spray dry nozzles.

Optimizing Fire Suppression
This research study evaluated the effectiveness of hydraulic atomizers used for fire suppression, with the ultimate goal of optimizing fire suppression applications.

Determining an Effective Layout for Injectors in a Wet Scrubber
Via CFD simulations, we assessed two potential injector layouts for a phosphate plant's wet gas scrubber.

Maximizing Food Processing Production Efficiency
An experimental study on minimizing waste by maximizing transfer efficiency in food-grade oil applications.

Optimizing Gas Cooling Applications
We conducted this study to assess our customer's new spraying system used to cool hot kiln gas in a vertical tower.
Improving Eductor Placement in a Tank Mixing Application
We were tasked with designing and positioning tank mixing eductors in such a way that stagnant areas will not occur.