

The Spray Technology Seminar provides an extensive, in-depth overview and discussion about the atomization process, nozzle technology and state-of-the-art methods available to engineers.

The Spray Technology Seminar is Offered Virtually! Register Now!

Our Spray Technology Seminar, 3-Half Days, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM CST

We host three information-packed, convenient half-day sessions that are delivered virtually. Bringing technical expertise, simulations, lab demos, Q&A, and more directly to you. Click here to check out the vast spray technology topic sessions.

Nozzle impact

Spray Technology Seminar Details

Our Spray Technology Seminars leave attendees with actionable information they can put to use immediately in their spray operations. We provide lab demonstrations and simulations interspersed with dynamic instruction to optimize your learning experience. Discover ways to apply fluids, coat products, cool gases, spray dry powders, perfect a cleaning application, reduce waste and environmental impact and more! Register today to benefit from this extensive content-rich seminar.

What You'll Learn

Spray Nozzle Basics

Ways to optimize performance, atomization methods, spray patterns and why they matter, how to choose the best nozzle for your application and more.

Maintenance Tips

Early warning signs of under-performing nozzles, ways to extend nozzle wear life, creating and managing a maintenance plan, and more.

New and Developing Engineering Technologies

Drop size, spray characterization, new spray technologies, emerging trends in engineering & tech and how these affect your business operation and more. 


Co-Hosts and Field Experts. Other subject matter experts will share for various topic sessions.

Kyle Bade

Dr. Kyle M. Bade

Kyle M. Bade is a Research Engineer at Spraying Systems Co. with over 15 years of experience in spray analysis and nozzle technology across various industrial and agricultural applications. He leads global R&D efforts, manages the Spray Analysis and Research Services division, and oversees the development of the SprayScan® Suite of diagnostic products. Kyle holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and has authored articles in journals such as AAS, JFM, and PoF.

Paul Vesely

Paul Vesely

Paul Vesley is a Research Engineer at Spraying Systems Co. with over 11 years of experience in spray analysis and nozzle technology. He collaborates with customers to enhance existing spray processes across various industries. His work spans food, pharmaceuticals, raw materials, chemical processing, and more. Additionally, Paul contributes to cutting-edge developments, including nanoparticle spray systems and sensor technologies within the SprayScan® Suite of instruments. His research focus lies in electrohydrodynamics and nanoparticle spray coatings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact us if you would like more information.

Will the information presented be available after the Seminar?

Yes! All attendees will be provided with access to the technical information shared during the seminar.  This includes presentations, literature, and other resources.  Our team is also available to answer any follow-up questions you may have after attending.

Who would benefit from the Spray Technology Seminar?

We've had attendees spanning many backgrounds from engineers to project managers to manufacturing personnel and more. Anyone interested in learning more about how spray technology affects their business would benefit from attending.

Do I need to have attended one of the other Seminar Series in order to register?

No, we offer the full Seminar Series to teams or individuals interested in specific spray technology topics.  The Spray Technology Seminar is for anyone interested in learning more about how spray technology can benefit their business.

Where is the Seminar located?

The Seminar is now completely remote! You can log in anywhere you have an internet connection.   

Contact us if you have any questions or need help with registration Email us